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An online devotional for writers
Ezra had determined to study and obey the Law of the Lord and to teach those decrees and regulations to the people of Israel. (Ezra 7:10, NLT)
Thanks to Ezra, we have a ready-made writing outline in the longest book of the Bible: Psalms. You can see five different sections of Psalms, labeled as “Book I, Book II” and so forth in your Bible.
How did this come about? Around 458 BC, Ezra led a group of Jewish exiles back from Babylon to Jerusalem. There, he organized the synagogue, taught scriptures, restored worship, and led a revival among the Hebrew people.
As part of his task, Ezra and his worship team of priests organized the worship songs – the psalms – used by the Hebrew people for generations.
Strictly speaking, Ezra was an editor. Nevertheless, if you think organizing your material to put into book form is a big task, consider what Ezra had to do. He gathered psalms written by more than seven authors (including David, Asaph, Korah, Solomon, Moses, Heman, Ethan and others) who wrote from about 1445 BC to 430 BC and figured out a way to organize it.
That’s a thousand years of material to put into a writing outline. (Even the most prolific among us hasn't been writing for that long.)
Scholars believe the writing outline mirrors the themes of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) in a sequential format.
Even a long-term project like the Book of Psalms can be organized using a simple outline. And yours needn’t take 1000 years. Thank you, Ezra!
A writing outline organizes a book’s message.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for Ezra and his ability to organized large chunks of material. I confess that I can be easily overwhelmed and discouraged by a big project. Ezra inspires me. Give me wisdom and insight as I create a writing outline for my next project.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
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