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An online devotional for writers
Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content , with 750K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.
How beautiful … are the feet of him who brings good news.
(Isaiah 52:7, ESV)
I could hear the team member’s frustration on the conference call as we discussed content for the upcoming newsletter. “But there’s a new staff member and some changes to the board of directors,” she said. “That’s the most important news we’ve got going on! We’ve got to lead with it in the newsletter.”
Her words rang in the beat of silence that followed.
Then the communications director’s voice came over the line. “Is that truly our most important news for our readers this quarter?” he asked quietly. “The news that is most helpful to them?”
Staff additions and board shifts were top of mind for the team because those changes affected how we conducted our day-to-day work.
But they were a footnote for our reader – one that we eventually relegated to a newsy box on page 3 – because those changes didn’t really affect them too much.
Who was doing what – that’s ho-hum for readers. They experience personnel changes at work, school, and in the community every week and every month. But to read about a transformed life ... now that’s real news for our readers. They can never hear enough inspiring stories about life change.
Is our work having an impact? If so, how? For whom? Our readers invest their resources, volunteer hours, prayers, and other practical help. They are hungry to hear the outcome. Stories of transformation show the hand of God on the move.
It’s the kind of news that is inspiring and encouraging because it’s good news and it’s true.
“Let’s run a story about Nichole, the mom who was homeless and is now graduating from college,” said the communications director. “That will be a terrific feature in the newsletter.”
“And a short ‘How You Helped’ column about our church partner’s clothing closet,” the staff member added. “We can show how Nichole found us when she stopped by the church to get maternity clothes.”
The real news to our readers is changed lives. What is the most important news for your readers?
Readers can never hear enough good news.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for working so powerfully to transform lives. Show me how to communicate your movement in order to encourage my readers that you are actively working.
In Jesus name, Amen.
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