Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content , with 750K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.
“Kathy, let me say it again: you are absolutely a godsend … you are so
integral to what we’re doing at Birthmothers. Thank you, thank you!”
Jim Wright, Founder & President
Birthmother Ministries, Inc.
“Kathy, thank you for the excellent work you did for us in writing the
Partnership Ministries profiles. We will definitely keep you in mind for
future projects.”
Mawii Pudaite, Co-Founder & Executive Vice President
Bibles for the World
“Kathy has created professional, timely and valuable tools to promote our
organization. She consistently works to incorporate our changes, ideas
and needs. Her creativity and enthusiasm for our projects is outstanding
— she’ll take an idea and research the concept to construct a thorough and
informative package every time.”
Melissa Poole, Board of Directors
Gray’s Field Foundation, Inc.
“It means a lot to have your wonderful work on our shelves!”
Nancy Monts-Rayfield
York County
(SC) Library
“When I contacted Kathy Widenhouse for assistance with my project, I
was immediately impressed by her thorough and extensive knowledge about what
was needed. The outcome was a professional product of the highest
caliber. With each step along the way, Kathy has been terrific. Her
excellent writing talents are coupled with honesty, intelligence and
encouragement. Kathy’s prompt, professional and positive approach makes
it easy to recommend her to anyone desiring a job well done!”
Sharon Winton, “The President’s Own,” U.S. Marine Band
Washington, D.C.
“We’re using The Un-Santa Book for our church’s annual Christmas
children’s event. Many ideas from this easy-to-use guide will help our
planning. Thank you for a great resource!”
Cindi Wilmot, Mother of six
Sales manager and consultant
“Wow! The Christian Girl’s
Guide to Friendship – what a wonderful book! The approach is
excellent. The book covers all the aspects of friendship that a pre-teen
girl encounters -- even guy friendships. Very smart!”
Prudence Walz, teacher
Baltimore (MD) City Public Schools
“The finished product was a tight, cohesive document that accurately and
positively conveyed my entire professional life, and made me look highly
attractive to potential employers. Kathy worked with me in a most
sensitive and positive manner. I sincerely recommend her services.”
James Dickey, Bowie, MD
“Kathy did a beautiful job coming up with unique ideas for The Un-Bunny
Book. The presentation is perfect!”
Joanie Kilmon, Head Librarian
Calvert County (MD) Library
“The Christian Girl’s Guide to Friendship is full of helpful
suggestions! It has fun activities and crafts that preteens love to
do. Plus, it’s biblically based, and right on target.”
Donna Troxel, teacher
Washington Christian
Academy, Silver
Spring, MD
“For years I’d avoided facing the reality that I needed a web presence —
the hassle of writing and creating a site put me off. When I finally
realized that I needed one for my business to grow, Kathy led me every step of
the way. She pointed out all the assets I offer to clients — many I was
even unaware of. Her writing clearly tells my clients what I offer and
why they should come to me for their needs. And with Kathy’s help, it was
Kurt Widenhouse
Kurt Widenhouse Violins
“The quizzes, FAQs and fun things to make in The Christian Girl’s Guide
to Friendship are very appealing to young girls. Young ladies will
enjoy this book which is packed with advice and activities. And parents
will appreciate having a reliable source of information for their daughters.
This book is wonderful!”
Robbie McGaughran
Librarian and mother of 3 girls
More on nonprofit copywriting
What kinds of copywriting services, editing services you can get ...
About freelance Christian writer Kathy Widenhouse ...
Fun, Bible-based books for girls and families ...
Easy copywriting tricks anyone can master ...
Basic copywriting: what is it and why do you need it?
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