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Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content , with 750K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.
An online devotional for writers
Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. (Philippians 2:4, NLT)
Your email subject line has a special mission: its job is to get your reader to open the email.
Why do so many subject lines fail at this?
Maybe I could get some answers from my own inbox.
So I hopped over to check my email. Here are the subject lines of three recent emails.
Subject Line #1: “Join our new virtual event “
The sender, a large commercial ministry, didn’t say what the event was about or how the event could help me with my ministry work. I’m busy. I need a reason to attend a virtual event.
How about this instead: “Fuel your preteen ministry at our new virtual event”
Subject Line #2: “Journal from Susan “
Each email I get from Susan has the same title, which is too vague. Which also explains why I rarely open them. And what if I was a new donor or new subscriber?
How about this instead: “Susan’s Journal: How Your Gift of 28 Goats Saved a Village Last Winter”
Subject Line #3: “Break the Painful Catch-22 Cycle”
This subject line surprised me the most – not because it was too general (which of the zillions of possible Catch-22s can I break?), but because it was from a major marketing magazine. Tsk, tsk. They should know better. Specifics, people!
How about this instead: “Too Busy? Break Out of the Catch-22 Wasted Time Cycle”
I’m sure each of these senders wanted me to open their emails so I could benefit from what they had to offer.
But each made a fatal flaw which earned them the "Delete" rather than "Open": they didn’t let me know they cared. They only talked about themselves in the subject line.
Special offers, deadlines, trigger words – these are useful tools for persuading your reader to open your email. But they are only tools. Do you let your reader know you care – even in the subject line?
Show your reader you care – even in the subject line.
Heavenly Father,
You speak through Your Word, even in short snippets. Your messages to me always show that you care. Help me do the same as I write to my reader.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
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