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Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content , with 750K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.
Updated 2.1.25
These seven parts of a letter outline the standard letter writing format for communication in the business and workplace.
Your contact information, placed at the top of a business letter, lets the reader can identify you and provides a way to contact you in return. If you use preprinted letterhead, you have a ready-made heading for your letter. If not, insert your address at the top of the letter, including your street address, city, state, and zip code. You needn’t include your name in your heading since you will sign the letter.
Indicate the date you write – or send – the letter. Write out the month, date, and year like this: July 4, 1776.
Also called the “inside address,” this element includes the name of the person to whom you’re writing, his title, the company, and his full mailing address. Make an almost super-human effort to address the letter to a specific individual within a firm even if you must research to identify the appropriate recipient.
Name, job title
City, State, Zip Code
Insert a line space after the addressee information, prior to the salutation.
The salutation is a greeting made up of two parts: a word of
welcome such as “Dear” and then the individual’s name. Avoid using a generic,
“To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Gentlemen” but instead, greet the specific
individual or group you listed in the address information. This attention to
detail speaks volumes to the reader.
The salutation can be formal (using the reader’s title, such as Dr., Mr., or Ms., followed by his last name) or informal (using the person’s first name),with the tone matching to the letter’s level of formality. Insert a comma or colon and a line space after the salutation and then proceed to the letter body.
The body of letter, the main section, communicates your business. It is comprised of three parts.
As for mechanics, single-space the letter body. Justify the content to the left. Insert a line space between each paragraph and before the closing.
The closing is one of the parts of a letter that, like the letter body, has different elements.
Among parts of a letter, this element is the most varied. It is also optional.
You may or may not choose to use a postscript (P.S.) in your letter, depending on the letter’s level of formality and its content. When the postscript is short message is inserted after the letter closing, it is abbreviated as “P.S.” It provides a reminder or an extra piece of information for the reader. Formal letters rarely include a postscript. Sales letters and appeal letters, on the other hand, are less formal and nearly always use a postscript, which is considered to be one of the most-read elements in direct mail. (More P.S. writing tips here.)
Cover letters use the postscript section to indicate the inclusion of additional documents (such as a resume, completed application form, references, or other documents) with the abbreviation, “Enc.,” indicating “Enclosures.”
Place your postscript flush left.
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