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What Kinds of Newsletter Articles Should You Write?

Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content and has gained 600K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.

Updated 5.30.24

“I don’t know what to write!”

Yes, you do! Newsletter articles celebrate your organization’s successes. They can and should be fun, energizing, and inspiring to read!

There are dozens of article ideas to use to tell the story of what you’re doing.

29 kinds of articles to write for your newsletter or blog with Word Wise at Nonprofit Copywriter

Feature Stories

Lead off your newsletter or e-zine with a powerful feature story that shows the impact of your wonderful work. People love reading about people. Your donors especially enjoy hearing about how your organization has impacted the individual people your serve and those who serve them. Use photos and captions to help tell the story.

  • First-person testimonies
  • Beneficiary case history
  • Program stories: how one of your programs has impacted its target audience
  • Introductions: introduce a new program, a new branch
  • Update story: “1 year later”
  • History: show program growth
  • Reports in story form that show outcomes
  • Videos
  • Donor highlights
  • Volunteer profiles
  • Staff stories
  • Frequently asked questions about your organization or your cause


Look back at recent events and forward to the next one, telling the story of their impact.

  • Stories about the impact of recent events
  • Previews of your upcoming events
  • Photos and captions from your events
  • Relevant community events or partner events

Practical Information

Readers love information that they can use. Always test these articles by asking this question: does this content relate to my cause and advance it – and can readers use it?

  • How tos: how to volunteer, how to connect your services to a beneficiary
  • Reviews: product reviews, book reviews
  • Ways to give: donate, give in-kind gifts, planned giving information

Organizational News

Readers want be in the loop about what’s new in your organization. Yet a word of caution: don’t go overboard with these kinds of newsletter articles. While you may care about the inner workings of your organization, your readers care more about the impact of what you’re doing.

  • A message from the president
  • New board members
  • New staff members
  • Financial update
  • Testimonials from beneficiaries, volunteers, community partners, sponsors, and donors


Fill extra bits of space as small pullouts or sidebars, providing short snippets of information that help educate readers about your cause and tell a story.

  • Milestones: numbers served, services provided, time served
  • Statistics: facts and numbers that show the need for your cause or the way you solve the problem
  • Tips or advice related to your cause
  • References to your organization in the media
  • Blogs that mention your organization or your cause

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