Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content , with 750K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.
A matching gift as part of your year-end appeal is an excellent way to maximize your campaign.
When you identify a major donor (an individual, group or business) who will make a significant-sized contribution to your nonprofit by December 31, you can use that pledge in to motivate other readers.
That sum can be leveraged as a “matching gift” during your year-end appeal series. It's a powerful and persuasive writing tool.
Finding, cultivating, and securing a matching gift donor can take some time. Take time to plan. Starting the process in early fall or even midsummer is by no means too early – especially if you want to have your matching gift lined up when you begin preparing your appeals come September. (Here's a timeline you can use.) Good preparation this far in advance can pay big dividends for your nonprofit.
Use these factors to assemble a list of possible major donors from your data base:
Approach potential donors one at a time. Make an appointment to personally share with each what’s going on in your organization. Be thorough – take along development pieces, such as a PowerPoint presentation, display boards, a new information packet or a recent case statement report. Explain that you’d like to secure a donor for a matching gift appeal.
If the appeal is for a specific project, share your excitement.
Know a ballpark dollar amount that’s reasonable for the size of your nonprofit and the revenue stream you can expect. A donor may want to front the entire gift, or you could approach two or more donors and combine their resources for the match.
Plus, a gift match makes writing the appeal so much easier: "Your gift will be worth 3 times as much, thanks to our matching donor ...."
The biggest winner? The people you serve. They benefit from the services, support and relationships you’re able to provide them because of the matching gift revenue boost. And at the end of the day, that’s what you’re all about, anyway.
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