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Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content , with 750K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.
An online devotional for writers
I will send a letter of introduction for you to take to the king. (2 Kings 5:5, NLT)
If you’re a freelancer who is looking for content writing gigs, a letter of introduction (LOI) can open the door to working with a business, nonprofit organization, or brand.
Your LOI does not pitch a specific project or story idea. Instead, it introduces your writing skills and services to potential clients. “The goal of an LOI is to get a potential client to ask you for more information,” says Jennifer Goforth Gregory in The Freelance Content Marketing Writer. “You simply want to start a conversation about how you can work together.”
While your letter of introduction launches a relationship, the LOI example in 2 Kings 5 was quite different. There, the king of Aram’s letter of introduction proposed a specific project – and a favor, at that. His LOI to the king of Israel introduced the commander of the Aramean army, Naaman, and asked for Naaman’s healing from leprosy.
This approach could have been deadly for everyone involved: think two skittish kings and a powerful army commander mixed together. Fortunately for Naaman, the prophet Elisha was waiting in the wings and helped diffuse potential frustration between enemies. The king of Israel was able to call upon Elisha to carry out the healing.
But your letter of introduction is not seeking a favor and should not take the form of a sales pitch. Instead, you’re asking how you can help. Use your LOI to introduce yourself to the client. Explain your experience in the client’s niche. Ask for the opportunity to talk over different ways you can work together.
Your letter of introduction doesn’t pitch a particular project. Your letter paves the way for a relationship.
Use a letter of introduction to start a relationship with a potential client.
Loving Father,
You call on me to reach out to potential clients and introduce myself. Keep me from seeking work with selfish motives. Show me how to make a connection in a useful way that offers my services to meet their needs.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
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