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An online devotional for writers
The king granted these requests. (Nehemiah 2:8, NLT)
A compelling funding request presents a detailed need, a clear solution, and a specific ask.
Who receives these requests? Funders fall into three main categories: private foundations (financed by an individual, family, or community), corporations (the charitable arm of a business), and government (designed to meet the needs of the community).
King Artaxerxes is a good example of a private funder. He provided a generous grant to his cupbearer, Nehemiah.
Nehemiah, the applicant, followed an ideal model in presenting his funding request.
First, he outlined the problem: his home city was in ruins (Nehemiah 2:3). Nehemiah used clear details to describe Jerusalem’s broken, charred walls.
Then, he proposed a way to alleviate that need. Nehemiah could travel to Jerusalem and lead the repairs, if the king allowed him a leave of absence (Nehemiah 2:5). Nehemiah had a track record of reliability, so the king knew he could trust his cupbearer to get the job done. Plus, Nehemiah gave a timeline. He explained how long he’d be gone.
Finally, Nehemiah made a specific ask: he requested letters of recommendation for safe passage and an in-kind gift of lumber from the king (Nehemiah 2:5-8). He didn’t leave the king wondering how the project would be accomplished.
Funders have the resources to bankroll worthy projects – especially when you describe a well-defined need, show a reliable, clear solution, and make a specific ask that will complete the project.
A compelling funding request presents a well-defined need, a clear solution, and a specific ask.
Gracious God,
You promise to supply all our needs according to your riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Thank you for generous funders who provide for needs. Show me how to word a funding request to present the need, the solution, and the ask in a compelling way.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
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