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Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content and has gained 600K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.

Easy 4-Step Plan for Collecting Testimonials

Collecting testimonials can be simple if you have a plan.

Easy 4-Step Plan for Collecting Testimonials from Word Wise at Nonprofit Copywriter

Testimonials are compliments about your work, offered by your clients, volunteers, and those you serve. They are a powerful tool because they provide credibility and put a face on your business.

(Testimonials differ from endorsements, which are supportive statements from a celebrity or expert in your field.)

If you’re not in the habit of collecting testimonials, start right now. Even if you already have some, use these four steps to develop a strategy to collect them. 

1. Notice them

Anytime a customer thanks you for your service, writes you an email of congratulations, or sings your company’s praises in a telephone call, respond like this: “I appreciate those kind words. May I use them in a testimonial?”

2. Survey for them

Put together a short questionnaire that solicits customer feedback. Use constructive criticism to make improvements. Use positive comments as testimonials.

3. Solicit them

Ask beneficiaries and customers to give you a testimonial. Most are thrilled that you want to quote them.

4. Outsource

Hire a freelancer to collect testimonials for you. This is especially helpful when you don’t have time to track them down yourself, or when you want customers to speak freely and honestly.

Record every testimonial you receive, its source, and the date. Have the speaker sign a release. Keep everything handy in a file. When you’re ready to develop new materials or update your website, you’ll have a stack of testimonials to include at very little cost or effort. 

An added bonus: re-reading testimonials is encouraging! It reminds you of your strengths as seen through the eyes of others. 

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