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Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content , with 750K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.
Citing the Bible is an essential skill for writers because The Holy Bible is ubiquitous. The best-selling work of all time is quoted often.
You will follow a unique game plan when you cite the Bible in books.
But when it comes to quoting scripture in articles, posts, and devotionals – any shorter piece, even if it does not target a Christian market – you want to make sure you’re following best practices for citation.
There are a couple of reasons it’s important to cite the Bible accurately.
The most practical is a legal one. While classical religious texts do not require a formal citation in a footnote or an APA-style reference listing in an article or short post, nevertheless you must include an in-text citation in order to comply with copyright law. The Bible is a published work. Good writers cite those they quote.
Legalities aside, proper citation of scripture gives clarity for your reader. When you’re accurate, she will be able to use your citations to read more.
There are two elements to consider when you create your citation: the reference to the passage and the translated version of the Bible.
The reference is the location where the reader can find the passage if he looks in the Bible. It includes the name of the book, the chapter in that book, and the specific verse or verses you quote. List them like this: John 3:16 or John 3:16-17.
Use a comma after the reference, followed by the version abbreviation in capitals, to indicate the specific version you quote: John 3:16, KJV. (For a list of Bible versions and appropriate abbreviations, see Bible Gateway.) If you quote the Bible later in your piece but use the same translation as you did in the first citation, you needn’t reference the version again. Different version later in the piece? Cite it.
More than 900 versions in the English language alone can create confusion. A reader who regularly uses the New International Version (NIV) may see your piece based on a scripture used from the New Living Translation (NLT). The wording is different from the reader’s usual reading but it speaks to her in a new or different way. She may want to read the context or even the entire chapter. Yet without the reference to the NLT, she will head over to her trusty NIV. She won’t see the same terms and will get confused.
As a writer who wants to give her clarity in a noisy, jumbled marketplace, you want to avoid this stumbling block. By referencing the translation, you clear up her confusion. You lead the reader to a new insight and to a deeper study of scripture.
Which is a great reason enough to slap that reference in there.
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